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Cologne Secrets
 by: Jeff Lakie

Two secrets about cologne

Here are two secrets many people don't know: 1. Women are a more attracted to smell than most men realize. 2. A person's sense of smell is one of the longest lasting memories we have. You may forget a face or a name, but you'll remember a smell for much, much longer. So finding a good Cologne is very important, especially if you are guy in the "dating scene."

How cologne is made

Cologne developers create their signature brands from nine scents, which are called "notes." Every cologne is made up of some combination of the following (which are listed from the lightest scents to the heaviest scents):


Citrus - very bright and light
Leather - very heavy and thick.

Polo Sport, for example, is primarily a dominant floral note while English Leather is a dominant leather note. Your father's Brut is a musk/powder combination.

How to buy cologne that is right for you

All too often, cologne is selected based on price, the shape of the bottle, and how it smells. But when you're shopping for cologne, you need to remember that your sense of smell can only detect three distinct smells before it gets overwhelmed and starts to report inaccurately to your brain.

Instead, you can shop for cologne much more easily: by pictures. Check out the advertising and see what kind of niche the cologne is marketing to: is it the rugged outdoorsman as advertised in an outdoor lifestyle magazine? Is it the active sports-lover in a magazine about basketball? Is it the suave urbane male in a men's fashion magazine? Cologne companies will market their brands to the type of person it is designed for. So if you are "going for a certain look," the marketing department of the cologne companies can help you select the right scent for you.

Just remember, it is not you that is going to be reacting to its smell. It's that beautiful woman who you want to enjoy it and with smell closely linked to memory, you want her to remember you for a long, long time!



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