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Welcome to, CKDS's dedicated ISP site.


In this area you will find Updates on CKDS Prices and services and interesting things like stats, e.g. How close we are to our targets of customers and/or call share.


So we said we would give stuff away for hitting targets how will we know? Three sets of prizes will be given away, one set we will randomly pick an account owner who has been using there account for more that 200 minutes per month. Then randomly pick an account holder who uses more than 1000 minutes per month, and then a prize draw on the website, So two prizes you won't even have to enter for you will just be told you've one, the other one just a Q & A to enter a prize draw.

Extra Prize!!!

Every Month we accumulate 10,000,000 minutes of dial-up call time, we will give away a Vauxhall corsa, that's 100,000 dial-up customers on for around 30 minutes a day, not a lot when you think about it.

CKDS Dial-up pay as you go, no monthly bills, no set-up costs, less than a minute to set up, no hassle, try our dial-up and use our broadband (CKDS Internet services support Internet connection sharing).

CKDS Internet.

CKDS Internet.

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Use CKDS Dial-up with on-speed to get the fastest dial up you've ever experienced, With near broadband speeds for only a few pounds a month hassle free.

ONSPEED - The Aternative To Broadband


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Other CKDS Websites.

Our dedicated radio Site.

Our original master site.

Our online gaming site.

Our teenage girls site, fun and chat.



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