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As you well know CKDS offer hundreds of free services and only 1 or 2 paid ones this means that here at CKDS every year we foot a huge bill with almost no return. Launching the ISP service we hope will raise our revenue, with customers signing up for dial-up and broadband using ask jeeves and even making donations. The only way to do this obviously is to get an extremely high Page ranking, advertise hard and get links on other websites the more links we have on other sites the higher our PR goes.

The higher our PR is the easier it is to sell advertising, we want to use this money to Pay Staff, Pay the Broadband Connection fee's for our customers and even offer several months free broadband now don't get us wrong we need thousands of sites to do this to achieve what we are aiming for (if we fail to receive good sponsors). But we genuinely do want to make things either cheaper or more free stuff so please put the following link on your site and increase our PR and our affiliation possibilities.

Our Current Page rank is PageRank the higher the number the better.

 Insert this code on any or all of your pages anywhere you feel it will work, You DON'T have to be a major site, even a 2 page personal site means something to us

Buddy Christ is a copyrighted logo from view askew and their creation Dogma.
use the following code:<a href="">
<font size="2">CKDS-Broadband, Not just an ISP hundreds of free services</font></a></b></u></font></p>
Or use one of these adds


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Use CKDS Dial-up with on-speed to get the fastest dial up you've ever experienced, With near broadband speeds for only a few pounds a month hassle free.

Get Broadband!!! Open a CKDS Basic account (left) then fill in this form to have a member of staff contact you to upgrade.

*There is no obligation to take out broadband after filling in the enquiry form.

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