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Pets and animals

Welcome to the CKDS Broadband cats and animals channel. Here you will find articles links and recourses on getting your pets looking after your pets and more right down to merchandise. Remember as always previous months articles will be archived so you will never lose anything.

How To Help The Displaced Pets Of Hurricane Katrina
The temporary shelters are filled and the pets left behind by victims of Hurricane Katrina are turning up in shelters and Humane Societies across the South. Many rescuers have stopped trying to find...
Author: Hannah Chastain


What you Need to Know about Cat Food
Cat Food Info #1 Cats Need Protein in their Cat Food The cat food you feed to your cat should always be rich in protein. This generally should come from meat, poultry or fish. Many cat food brands a...
Author: Jay Moncliff

A Brief History Of Seeing Eye Dogs
No one knows when the concept of using assistance animals for the blind first came into being. It is suggested that dogs have been used in such a capacity in various cultures for a very long time. It...
Author: Kirsten Hawkins

How Long Will My Cat Live?
The answer to that depends upon several factors. The care that you give your cat, the quality of the food that your cat eats, the kind of lifestyle that your cat lives. All these things play their p...
Author: Larry Chamberlain

Allergies – Dogs May Suffer Too
Many people don’t realize that their dogs, just like human beings, can suffer from allergies. In fact, about twenty percent of the dogs in the United States alone suffer from one allergy or another, ...
Author: Kirsten Hawkins

How To Get Rid Of Fleas
If you own a pet you will have fleas in the house from time to time. In some cases you may become infested with fleas. We have had as many as four cats at our house and we have been infested with fle...
Author: Clint Pollard

How to Choose Goldfish
How you choose your goldfish, depends largely on two things: the type of fish you really like to see, and the kind of container you intend to keep them in. People in warmer climates, like to populate...
Author: Nate Jamieson

Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) In Dogs
The canine distemper virus (CDV) causes a highly contagious disease in dogs known as distemper. Dogs who contract distemper suffer damage to their gastrointestinal, central nervous and respiratory sy...
Author: Kirsten Hawkins

Adopting A Dog
There are lots of ways that people choose a new family dog. Some may search the newspaper for advertisements from breeders who are selling new puppies; others find breeders via listings on the intern...
Author: Kirsten Hawkins

Dog Training: How To Understand Your Dog's Mood
Make you puppy training easier and more fun by understanding that your puppy is trying to communicate with you in other ways than barking or wagging his tail. Remember, your puppy also communicates w...
Author: Richard Cussons

How Owning a Dog Can Benefit Your Child
Thinking of getting a dog? You know your child wants a dog to play with but did you know that the love and companionship of a dog can have long lasting effects going far beyond their ability to enter...
Author: Shannon Emmanuel

Caring For And Raising Puppies
The raising of puppies can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience. It can also be an experience wrought with frustration if some guidelines aren’t adhered to or if certain aspects of the duty ar...
Author: Kirsten Hawkins


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