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Skype Voice over IP.

Over the past couple of years we have seen more and more of voice over IP but these people have got it down. At CKDS we thought it was vital our customers new about this service as we wanted to make customer lines free for customers but could not afford it, due to the cost's of free phone lines and the quality of internet calling. So here's the perfect program. Skype offers not only perfect voice over IP quality but a messaging and missed call service. To boot you don't actually require any additional hardware just a PC mike and either headphones or speakers (although there is an official handset available from the maplins website). The available handset gives perfect audio quality ant the authentic phone feel, we at CKDS are now using the handsets. The software is FREE and there are no subscription fees, But it gets better with the Skype software you are not limited to internet calls, you can buy credit (like a top-up) and make external calls, worldwide from just over 1p per minute cheaper than BT and NTL. To download go to http://www.skype.com or www.maplin.co.uk to order a phone the specific phone we use at CKDS is here.

If you wish to call somebody regarding a programme you would like to sell to CKDS either script or pre-made you can use the Skype software to call us on: CKDS-STUDIOS




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