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The CKDS-Point Scheme.

The scheme currently is not highly sophisticated, but basically here's how it works.

* You get 100 points for signing up (free)

* You get a further 10 points every month your accounts active.

* Every time we reach a round thousand (1000, 2000, 3000 members etc.) we will give every member 1000 points.

* You can claim your points back as vouchers or funds.

Company's in the point Scheme.

Coilwares - Clothing.


All CKDS Partner sites

The points are worth more as vouchers e.g. 2,500 points will get you a free piece of software from us, but is only worth 1/4 of a penny in cash, since the program is free.

However vouchers can be traded in for things such as 10% - 60% Discount on a partner site (depending on number of points)

You will be sent an email once every  one - three months telling you how many points you have and what you can trade for.

This time is estimated as slow as we are in the begining of the program, however as time goes by it will speed up.

All you have to do is sign up for CKDS and spread the word. - Its free

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Make my site a CKDS point scheme partner.

If you would like to make your site a partner so points an be traded in for discounts in your firm please email your contact details to driverinteractive_st@hotmail.com remember having your company name on a points voucher could increase company popularity  hugely make you well know and increase visits and purchases, look into it.



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*There is no obligation to take out broadband after filling in the enquiry form.

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